Dear {username}, thanks you for placing your recent order. From this moment you are an honorable member of our team!

If your paper hasn't been paid yet, you can complete your payment by this link. You can also pay via PayPal, simply choose any payment system and indicate Paypal as a method of payment.

This e-mail contains links that will make your interactions with us easier and more comfortable. You can bookmark the links given below as well as save this e-mail to preserve the information provided. Please, save or remember your order details for further communication with

Your order number is {orderid}

Your login is {login}

Your password {password}

Note! This e-mail is automatically generated so do not answer to it. If you have any questions related to the order contact us via our simple Messaging System.

Order total: {price} {currency}

Life time discounts for next orders: Available shortly

Bonus points: {bonus}

IMPORTANT: The work on your order will start ONLY after you submit your payment.

If you have not prepaid for the paper please, follow this link to complete your payment.

If you have any difficulties conducting your payment or wish to use other payment options, use our Messaging System to ask any questions and receiving competent help of our representatives. Please, note that using your credit card to make a payment be attentive with the billing address and the security code which are being automatically verified by the system.

As soon as you finish your ordering process our writers will start working on your task. We guarantee that the most appropriate writer with corresponding qualifications will be assigned to your paper. Please, make sure to check your e-mails regularly as every time you get a message on your personal order page an e-mail notification will be automatically sent to your e-mail.

Use our Messaging System to communicate with your writer as he/she may need you to give additional instructions as well as you are always free to ask him/her your order related questions.

And remember, we do guarantee:

  • Excellent professionally written paper
  • 100% plagiarism free content
  • 100% Privacy and Confidentiality
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • 100% Money back guarantee


Please check your contact information at PERSONAL PROFILE PAGE to make sure that your contact numbers are correct as we may use them to conduct billing verifications or to discuss any order details. You can also be sure that your data is protected and is 100% confidential as your Privacy is one of our top priorities!

Do not hesitate to contact our Customer Support team if you have any problems or order related questions. We are available 24 hours a day, every day and are always ready to examine and solve any of your order issues. So even if you haven't received your personal account yet, our team will quickly react to your request and solve this issue in a few hours time!

Our on time delivery presupposes you to receive your order exactly the day you set in your order form or even the day BEFORE the deadline date. We give 100% guarantee of the on time delivery of every order!

Warm Regards,

The team of

UK Office - 44-845-8697573

Usa Office - 1-619-793-4478

P.S. We hope you'll enjoy working with real professionals who value you and care about your success!